With support from its
“Special Research Fund” (BOF), Ghent University wishes to support university
research groups or research centers in developing countries in their aim to
grow into excellent research centers by upgrading local academic personnel.
Therefore Ghent University grants PhD scholarships to promising PhD students
from developing countries who wish to carry out half of their PhD research at
Ghent University and half in a university in a developing country.
The value of the scholarship at Ghent University depends on,
a.o., the researcher’s family situation and is approximately € 1.958 per month.
The Ghent University promoter also receives a bench fee of
€15.440 to cover (part of) the operational costs, as well as the travelling
costs of the student and both the Ghent University and the local promoter.
To be admissible for
this call, all of the following requirements must be met:
Candidates need to come from – and have the nationality of – a
developing country.
There must be a guarantee that the candidate will be able to
work on the PhD project at the partner university in a selected developing
country (South). This implies that there must be a local PhD supervisor at the
partner university or research center.
A written statement is requested from the university authorities
stating that the candidate is either a fulltime PhD student or a staff member
of this university and will be sufficiently exempted from teaching or other
assignments as to be able to fully concentrate on the PhD research in the
This statement should also mention that the candidate receives a
local PhD scholarship or salary when working on the PhD at the partner
university in the South.
DEADLINE: March 7 2017
To apply and for more
information University Website HERE
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