Provided byUniversity of Calgary
DeadlineMarch 01, 2017
Type of AwardScholarship
Automatic ConsiderationYes
Offered annually to undergraduate students in any faculty entering first year directly from high school. Students entering the International Foundations Program (IFP), formerly English for Academic Purposes (EAP), are not eligible for these scholarships, and will be considered for awards prior to entering the fall term of the first year of an undergraduate degree program. These students must contact the Student Awards Office regarding their eligibility for awards.
Based on admission average calculated by the Undergraduate Admissions Office
Recognition of high academic achievement. 95% - 100%
Level of StudyBachelor;
Year of StudyEntering first year
Schools AttendedAny School
School of StudyUniversity of Calgary
Region of Residencen/s
Course LoadFull-time or Part-time
Region of StudyAlberta
Financial NeedNo
You will automatically be considered for this scholarship/bursary when you apply to the school.
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