
DSF’s Research Grant Program offers funding for research directly related to Dravet syndrome and associated disorders. These grants fund initial research hypotheses that have not been fully explored. The results extracted from this type of research will help bring untested research to the point that it can qualify for larger governmental funding. Research applications are judged principally on novelty of the hypotheses, innovative approaches with a direct relevance and application to Dravet syndrome and related epilepsies, scientific quality, strength of approach, and likelihood of success. Research Grant Awardees are required to give updates on their work throughout the grant cycle and present their findings at our annual Research Roundtable meeting.


Deadline for Applications: September 5, 2017
Award Announcement: Late November, 2017
Earliest Project Start Date: January 1, 2018


Dravet Syndrome Foundation’s Scientific Advisory Board oversees our Research Grant Program and makes funding recommendations to DSF’s Board of Directors. Applications are reviewed once per year.


Up to $150,000 for a two-year project

Research Grant requests may be made for up to $75,000 per year for two years. Indirect costs of no more than 10% of the total award are permitted. If a grant request is for more than $150,000, a Letter of Intent must be sent to Mary Anne by June 5, 2017. You will receive notification by July 5, 2017 if we would like you to submit a formal proposal.


If you are thinking of applying for a DSF Research Grant ask yourself the following questions:
1) Is my research directly relevant to Dravet syndrome or related epilepsies?
2) Am I affiliated with an academic or research institution? (We do not award funds to individuals or private companies)
3) Am I available to present my findings at the annual DSF Research Roundtable before AES?
4) Am I fully compliant on all prior DSF Research Grant Awards?
If you answer “Yes” to all of the above questions, you are eligible to apply for a DSF Research Grant. If you answered “No” or “Maybe” to any of the questions, please email Mary Anne to see how you may become compliant.


Applications which do not include the following materials and meet the specified page limitations will be returned unprocessed, or will be deferred until a subsequent granting cycle:
1) Face Page – foundhere
2) Scientific Abstract and Lay abstract – 1 page or less
3) Budget Page*
4) Budget Justification Page
5) Hypothesis and Specific Aims – 1 page
6) Research Design – 4 pages, including background, preliminary data, experimental plan and methods
7) A statement on how the research will advance the understanding, treatment or care of people with Dravet syndrome or related epilepsies – ½ page
8) Citations – no limit
9) CV
*If the total budget for your project exceeds the amount you are requesting from DSF, your budget page must include a breakdown of how all funds, including those from other sources, will be used. Indirect costs of no more than 10% of the total award are permitted

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